Saturday 19 January 2013

Maybe you've stumbled onto our website by mistake. You had an insurance question, and somehow the links brought you to us here at Andrew G. Gordon, Inc. Perhaps you browsed our website. You maybe requested a quote, viewed a checklist, or watched one of our famous whiteboard videos. No matter what you did, now you're here at our insurance blog. But why a blog? Why can't we just have pages like regular websites do?


Insurance is our business, and we like to keep you as up-to-date as possible. An insurance blog allows us to do that DAILY.We have several different blogs, so whether you're looking for some personal insurance info, or are searching to answer some questions about commercial insurance, we've got you covered.

You might find some of our blogs ridiculously funny, super informative, or a combination of both. To help you begin, I've selected a few of the most visited and helpful blogs:

-The Simple Math Behind Insurance

-The Difference Between a DUI and an OUI

-Having a car accident in a car that isn't yours!

-MA Surcharges: 20 Minor Violations That Increase Insurance


Whether you chose to read one, two, or all of my selections is up to you. We also have many, MANY other blog posts, just waiting to be read. Our content is continuously updated and you may uncover a few facts that you didn't know before- guaranteed these random tidbits of information will benefit you and your insurance knowledge.

As we've said SO MANY TIMES before, insurance is complicated. It's best to widen your breadth of knowledge through something like quick insurance blogs from us than to sit down the night before and research everything all at once. And what if you have a spur-of-the-moment crisis, like a car accident? Knowing some info about your insurance and the accident would be super helpful during a time such as that.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us by clicking the button below. We love answering questions, and maybe your question could be the topic of our next blog!